Sunday, March 14, 2021

DST again, still?

There are those who believe - that today, they have gained an extra hour of sun by losing an hour of sleep. Let's figure this one out! We will be forced by government to be sleep deprived for 8 months on DST, but still, the day on the planet remains 24 hours, and not 25. That's some strange mathematics! What just, really, happened?

Many wonder why they have problems sleeping and feel tired throughout the day. Perhaps they are not aware of all the many symptoms of Circadian Rythm Disorder. Moving the clock forward to pretend it's a different time of day will not adjust our circadian rhythm, in fact, it throws it out of whack. Sleep deprivation can be blamed for many health problems and accidents, and that's probably fine, if one enjoys paying more for pharmaceuticals and insurance, to put it lightly because sometimes accidents are fatal. No, this is not dramaqueening, as some would call it. This is about an annual mistake made for 8 months every year which shouldn't be made.

We already were on the correct time, Standard Time, which is normal time. Now, we are on something that they want many to believe is Daylight Saving Time (DST). The name given to it alone is the propaganda and rhetoric used to fool people (it's just another deceptive marketing strategy). If they were really honest and sincere, they would call DST by what it really is and by all the problems it causes such as sleep deprivation, accidents, health problems, and all other related ramifications. Hopefully, some are seeing with more clarity after reading this. Conclusion: let's abolish DST before it one day abolishes us.


  1. One of those who has it backwards is Senator Marco Rubio. He wants to make DST permanent instead of Standard Time. Nothing personal against Rubio, but that would be a huge mistake.

  2. Here is relevant article.

  3. Efforts are underway to stick with one time all year long. Doctors say it shouldn't be DST.
