Saturday, February 13, 2021

Labels with an intent

The left has always dominated using rhetoric and labeling for defining with the intent of achieving their agendas, whether it is an attempt at global dominance, or just to diminish, tarnish, and smear their opposition. Some examples of this lately are phrases such as domestic terrorist or conspiracy theorist. Usually, it's just when the labels seem to be useful for a moment in time. For instance, If you are beginning to expose some of their secrets, you might probably be labeled a conspiracy theorist. I am not saying there is no such thing as a conspiracy theorist or a domestic terrorist. Both of the foregoing are real and exist, but the problem is when those who control information place one under these labels dishonestly for specific purposes and many who read or hear them used in sentences by politicians or mainstream media often simply believe without questioning whether what is being said is really true within context. Here's another popular one, calling people white supremacists. When this foregoing phrase is used they will often compare those labeled to Confederates during the American Civil War. The irony behind this is when a Democrat politician says it about their counterpart, they are deliberately attempting to change historical facts. Why? Well, for one, the Republican party was formed as a party of Abolitionists. Systemic racism is another popular phrase lately. A popular word since January 6, 2021 is insurrectionist. Anyhow, I hope you get the idea.

If we listen close and pay attention, we may often easily notice when words are being used with the intent of diminishing or smearing. When we suddenly, out of the blue, start hearing certain things repeated over and over, and over it is basically that they are at it again with the smear campaigns and deceptive tactics (lies!)....

Obviously, much of the rhetoric is just a bunch of hot air regardless of how many sources are conveying it. And also, it's obvious many people don't buy it since right wing media normally has higher ratings than the left.

1 comment:

  1. Obviously, much of the rhetoric is just a bunch of hot air regardless of how many sources are conveying it. And also, it's obvious many people don't buy it since right wing media normally has higher ratings than the left.
