Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Supreme Law of our Land Must be Defended

Claiming something via the Constitution that was not done by it, but instead earned by fraud cannot happen, and will never be accepted, or tolerated, and is a violation of the Constitution itself. Earning the presidency has to be done via the legal process in the United States Constitution. I am convinced that, at least, 80 million American voters agree. There will be no inauguration for a Thief in Chief. The current Commander in Chief remains. All Americans should take up arms and be prepared for bloodshed defending the honor of the Supreme Law of our land which grants us all the most sacred right to vote. Anyone who is found guilty of violation of our Constitutional right as citizens is a traitor and should be convicted for treason to the utmost penalty of the law. If the fraud is allowed and not stopped we should no longer continue to be the United States. Whoever does not understand the high level of seriousness of this matter should cease to call themselves an American henceforth.


  1. When I became a naturalized United States citizen, I said that I would take up arms to defend the Constitution. Hopefully, things won't go that far.

  2. Some may have to be reminded many died defending our Constitutional rights, and for us to have a Constitution. Well, many more may have die to make sure we keep that Constitution. Hopefully, we don't have a Civil War, but if we do many should understand why at this point.

  3. For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

    - Saint Paul

  4. The states who decided not to follow the Constitution are the ones who abandoned the Union, and not the other way around. This is how it will be viewed.
