Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Many buy into all the bs!

My biggest complaint about people these days is that they often chose to remain silent about how they feel about things. If you have opinions let others know! They and yourself might find out that they and yourself are in and part of the majority by doing this. If one listened to mainstream media, one would probably believe the opposite of this reality. Lots of fake news out there, all the way from the important stories to the dumb insignificant ones that are just made to create a fake ambiance and foundation for the other fake stories. Basically, they (mainstream media) create a holographic world with words that's really far from reality. However, we have a choice! We can change channels, and/or read other news. For me it's very easy to differentiate between bs propaganda, and real information. Seemingly and unfortunately, many out there are just completely unaware, and never even notice, sadly.

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