Monday, October 26, 2020

This neuf American left

What bothers me most about this neuf American left is not that they are a pseudo-left that doesn't even know who was Trotsky. Truthfully, if they are so much in love with the system and philosophy, why don't they move to Cuba or Venezuela immediately and see how far they can go? What bothers me most is that they haven't put themselves in the shoes of my dissident friends living in those countries who have more guts and valor then they ever will in their whole capitalistic loving lives. AOC and Bernie are more comfortable financially than they have ever been, meanwhile they are selling that bullshit to ignorant millennials.

1 comment:

  1. When Trotsky asked for asylum, FDR didn't let him have it. Wonder why? Was FDR such a close friend of Stalin? Ask yourself these questions.
