Friday, October 9, 2020

In-between bites?

California has around 40 million inhabitants! Many liberals in California! Hillary got over 2 million in the popular vote in 2016 most likely because of them. They are intellectual supremacists those liberal Californians. They have a brilliant governor. Newsom! Why, about 2 days ago he tweeted for people to keep their masks on in-between bites when dining out. Not sure if I need to explain this! Well, maybe to those who elected him, I should. Anyhow, if you plan on following his suggestions, I think you should wash your hands every time you touch the potentially contaminated side of your masks. You might get a good workout while dining out as you run to and from the bathroom several times, but you should be safe, and stay safe. Hopefully, you all understood what I am really saying!

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