Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Some are still politicizing desperately with less than two months before the election

I have actually seen some politicizing about the present economy and the Covid-19 deaths, and blaming it all on Trump. Right!?!? By the way, the deliberately shut down economy is recovering very quickly, except in Democrat run cities, for obvious reasons. So, if Trump didn't shut down travel with China back in January we would have been better off? Do they really believe that? The economic shut down was under the advice of supposed medical experts who are supposedly also respected by the left. So, if Trump didn't follow their advice and many more died, the politicizing would have probably been factual. Oh, I see how low some can be, now, even clearer than ever. It's a set-up for never winning. I am really surprised I am still their friends. Of course, I am probably their only honest one.

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