Thursday, August 13, 2020

If media gave us the data reversed

If media gave you the reverse percentages on Covid-19, you might not be as alarmed with the reality and facts. It is simple math. For example, in Florida we have had around 550 thousand cases thus far out of a 22 million population, it's around 2%, which means 98% didn't get it. Sadly, almost 9 thousand have died from Covid-19, which means around 99.65% of Floridians have not died from it. If we were constantly given data on crude mortality rates (deaths from all different causes and reasons) by comparison, we would have a different perspective. For instance, daily all around the world around 150 thousand humans die, and around the same are born. Hopefully, this makes sense to you. If you wish to check my data, please visit the following link.



  1. The question to ask is why don't they give us the numbers in reverse?

  2. The truth is that these percentages aren't reversed, they're the real percentages.
