Sunday, August 23, 2020

Decades and no accountability

If they have been in Washington for decades and are blaming someone else for the problems they should have fixed, you should consider getting rid of them. This is especially true if they're blaming that guy who is new that never held prior public office. The problems they have been fixing all this time are their own personal wealth financial problems. The question to be asked is how does someone get so wealthy from a tax funded office? This doesn't happen overnight, it takes decades of using and selling one's leverage similarly to prostitution. Drain the swamp!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

No es fácil

No es fácil, pero no creo que tampoco sea tan difícil.

A thought with relevance to the previous post

I want to share a thought with relevance to the previous post titled: How was that opinion formed?. If the United States ever did become a socialist country, the media outlets who are exposing the truth probably won't be shut down because it would be too evident that they were the truthful sources and this would cause reactions. What would perhaps really happen is that government will take over and filter what those sources are saying, and will say, so that one gets distorted information based on half-truths. Things are never simple black and white. 

How was that opinion formed?

An opinion about someone and what they've said based on what someone else said they've said is probably not a strong opinion since one never actually heard it from the primary source. Moreover, if the person never said what was said they said, the person who said they said it is lying; therfore, the opinion one has formed is a false one since it was and is based on a lie. Of course, when the liar presents their evidence of what was supposedly said taken out of context deliberately omitting the entire body and argument, the lie being propagated has and had the intent of forming the false opinion of the listener. Sadly, this is customary in pseudo-journalism and American media, but listeners and viewers simply believe without verification. Hence, the agenda achieved/s the goal intended. This process is obviously less complex when the listeners or viewers prefer lies over truths, and much of their beliefs are already based on falsehood. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

I don't watch conventions

I haven't watched the DNC. I don't watch conventions. I won't be watching the Republicans, either. However, I do find it fascinating that after more than 40 years as a supposed public servant, now Joe Biden will be solving all the problems in Democrat run cities that haven't been solved in many decades. By problems, I mean, as someone recently pointed out, crime, violence, looting, destruction, murder, poverty, homelessness, bankruptcy, and sanctuary cities. I suppose it's never too late for a collective epiphany, although as usual he, or they, haven't laid out the plan as to how it will be done, but apparently it is all Trump's fault, according to them. Not that anyone has brought up all these problems one by one, but it sure does seem like they are the elephant in the room!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Lee Smolin Lecture on Time

If you ever think about time, and what it really is, join the club. I think about it often and know many who do, also. We measure time, and our day is supposedly 24 hours. Of course, the foregoing really depends on many factors, some of which are based on theory. Keep in mind that a theory is a supposition. Anyhow, I do not want to get too technical, I will let my subject matter do that. I found this video on YouTube and decided to share it on here. The video is titled: A New Theory of Time - Lee Smolin. Lee Smolin is a theoretical physicist.

            We live embedded in a timeless universe....

We are faced with making good decisions about an uncertain future....

- Lee Smolin

The two previous quotes, somewhat out of context here, are from Lee Smolin in this video lecture in which his book, Time Reborn, is referenced. Watch the video below.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Polls today

I suppose that polls, those who make them, analyse them, review them, and believe them based on what they represent still believe we are living in a real world, although it is not. I suppose they all prefer pretending there is no such thing as a deep state (swamp). I don't blame them, the real world where a deep state exists is scary. Moreover, sometimes all the previous items in the series signify high paying jobs for them which put food on the table. Therefore, the pretending and acting will continue even if they don't really believe what they are saying themselves. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

On intelligence

Education is good, it helps in the acquisition of knowledge, which should increase intelligence. However, more education doesn't necessarily mean one has more intelligence. In fact, many can be educated beyond their actual intelligence. Intelligence requires a fair balance of the application of knowledge. With relevance to education, many times it's good to self educate beyond one's formal education. Some who have never had a formal education are often quite intelligent, although it is not the usual case. I am a strong believer in always continuing to learn. Read more as often as possible, and gather information from whatever source possible. Never stop learning! I am sure this idea can be elaborated much more, but I will stop here for now. I feel that I made my point. 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

If media gave us the data reversed

If media gave you the reverse percentages on Covid-19, you might not be as alarmed with the reality and facts. It is simple math. For example, in Florida we have had around 550 thousand cases thus far out of a 22 million population, it's around 2%, which means 98% didn't get it. Sadly, almost 9 thousand have died from Covid-19, which means around 99.65% of Floridians have not died from it. If we were constantly given data on crude mortality rates (deaths from all different causes and reasons) by comparison, we would have a different perspective. For instance, daily all around the world around 150 thousand humans die, and around the same are born. Hopefully, this makes sense to you. If you wish to check my data, please visit the following link.


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Careful with those

Careful with those who want to make you believe life will never be the same after Covid-19, and that this is the new normal. That's an agenda that needs to be eradicated, and will be eliminated. It is true that this has been a sad tragic experience for many who have lost loved ones, but this is just another thing that will pass and will become the old abnormal. Simply, we need to understand swamp and new world order rhetoric as soon as we hear it to alert ourselves and others. 

Sharing on social media

Don't share what may seem like fake news on social media or you will be censored, unless it is communist fake news, that type of fake news is ok. Remember we are in an election year, and the swamp needs to get back in power. LOL!

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

People perceptions

People are perceived by others and themselves in many ways, but basically there are two dominant ways. People are seen as either being good or bad. There is a scale in the middle which usually tilts more to one side than to the other. Often the reality is that the good guy isn't that good and the bad one isn't that bad. People go through many phases during their lifetime, so if you want a fair and accurate assessment, it's probably best to wait until an older age. Of course, the foregoing isn't necessary when dealing with folks like Charles Manson or Hitler. I am not a sociologist, but we all live and learn. 

The best response to a lie

The best response to a lie is the truth; however, conversely this is ironically not true.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

There is and has been voter fraud

Google won't show the evidence for voter fraud with arrests and convictions. Try a different search engine like Duckduckgo. Barr was not given a chance to explain the history in the House Judiciary Committee last week because they kept reclaiming their time, a practice normally used against another committee member, not the witness.


If you can't work during a pandemic you just might be non-essential, which means the end of your job is perhaps looming. Don't shoot, I am just the messenger.