Monday, July 20, 2020

Collective politicization? Imagine that?

Picture a thriving economy! It shouldn't be too difficult, we had one about 4 months ago before this so called pandemic. Picture Trump being hated by his opposition party so much that they are willing to do anything to bring him down this election year. It shouldn't be too difficult, we've seen this for the past 3 and a half years. Willing to do anything is probably an understatement, perhaps. They will do anything collectively to achieve their goal. After almost everything had been attempted, suddenly a novel virus breaks out that has questionable symptoms similar to many Coronaviruses. Imagine that mainstream media and certain political establishment experts collectively team up to politicize this pandemic to shut down the once thriving economy with the intent of making Trump look bad so he loses the election this year. Now, is this thought difficult to imagine? Imagine that perhaps many numbers are being manipulated to the extent that perhaps there was no need to shut down so many businesses which will perhaps never come back leaving the owners broke. Of course, I am only asking you so far to picture and imagine. Now, picture that in the near future, we were to find out that all I've asked you to imagine was true, and that there was collective fraud, deception, and politicization by the opposing party to achieve the goal of winning an election. Well, if this turned out to be true, can you imagine how angry many of those who lost businesses and livelihoods because of the deception will be? Now, imagine how far those whose lives were destroyed will be willing to go to get even? I hope you can imagine this because, if true, this would be similar conditions to those right before the Civil War in the 19th century United States. Now, imagine what will happen next, and I am only asking you to imagine similarly to Lennon's song.


  1. Just some numbers! During the American Civil War the United States population was around 31 million. 620 thousand men died in the Civil War. Today the United States population is around 330 million, almost 300 million more. During the pandemic we've lost around 143 thousand lives thus far. Worldwide we are still under the Civil War casualties. Just some numbers.

  2. Maybe this is not a good time to defund police.

  3. The media seems to be obsessed with numbers and informing the numbers during this so called pandemic. Sadly, numbers alone don't seem to have faces. This makes me wonder.
