Monday, July 27, 2020

Cato is very likely correct (many Americans are afraid)

These fears cross partisan lines. Majorities of Democrats (52%), independents (59%) and Republicans (77%) all agree they have political opinions they are afraid to share.

The foregoing excerpt and data are from an article by Emily Ekins titled: Poll: 62% of Americans Say They Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share. The article is about a recent national poll by the Cato Institute. If this poll is correct, one can easily deduce that many other current polls about the upcoming election are incorrect, which explains a whole lot. The article in reference uses the phrase "strong liberals." Supposedly, 50% of the strong liberals support firing Trump. Personally, I do not need a poll to understand this one. I would assume the percentage is way higher. Usually, strong liberals are the most vociferous in any crowd. Moreover, they are probably the most confident. Why? Well, many of them probably do not realize that they have most of the mainstream media support which may be the reason for the confidence which probably makes many of them feel that they are the majority. However, if this poll is correct, the majority is afraid to say anything. Moreover, if 77% of conservatives are afraid, the recent polls are probably way off. Of course, the Biden people seem to agree with this poll because if Biden was really 10 or 12 points ahead of Trump without picking a VP, why all the fuss and delays for picking one, then? They should be confident enough to pick whoever they wish, but that is not the case. I do not think I need to say more, I will let you digest what I have said thus far. I still would like everyone to remember that voter turnout in the 2016 election was only 55%. Well, I will let you research the numbers again and do your own math. The Electoral College probably was not as big of a problem for Hillary as some of her fans would like to believe. Just wanted to share some thoughts! Read the full referenced article at the link below. 

Poll: 62% of Americans Say They Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share | Cato Institute


Saturday, July 25, 2020

On listening

People most often would like and want to be heard when they have something to say. Sadly, many times the ones who wish to be heard are not willing to listen to the other. Perhaps many times those not willing to listen think that their analysis of what they argued is flawless and their could not possibly be a counterargument, unknowing that the person who just heard all they had to say thinks they probably don't have half a brain. It seems this is where many are presently, very divided. This thought perhaps provides a partial understanding for the current divorce rate. And I am sure the popular thought is also that there are plenty of fish in the sea, and that is true. However, anyone who has done a little bit of fishing knows that one almost always catches the same type of fish when using the same bait. Basically, when fishing it is very easy to get into a vicious cycle. Seemingly, I got side tracked, but it is relevant as an analogy. Bottom line: dialogue is a good way to increase knowledge and understanding. Limiting to monologue may have kept one, unknowingly, in a vicious cycle for most of one's life. Unknowingly, one can die still the same. Happy life!

Statue removal

What I find mind boggling is this physical removal of statues. Why? Well, it's physically draining, and dangerous with relevance to safety. There is always a risk of a big heavy object falling on someone. It is also littering, since they won't pick up after themselves. Not very civil, even if it may be biodegradable material. Of course, whom or whoever is backing the movement wants to appear that there is desperation and going by proper legal means can't be time to waste, in other words. Obviously, the desperation wasn't there all that much during the previous 8 year administration, so obviously much is politics. Going by legal means ensures the statue is removed permanently, if deemed so. Not going via a legal process doesn't guarantee that the statue will not be reinstalled sooner or later thus the energy spent was a waste. Moreover, one is better off trying to transform how a society thinks via civil expression. Unless one has a well planned revolution in which a gradual escalation can be maintained this erratic behavior and scattered pockets of unrest appear to not be properly thought-out and foolish. Whoever is backing the movement might have a long-term goal perhaps, but doesn't seem to give a crap about the slaves they are currently using to achieve it.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Collective politicization? Imagine that?

Picture a thriving economy! It shouldn't be too difficult, we had one about 4 months ago before this so called pandemic. Picture Trump being hated by his opposition party so much that they are willing to do anything to bring him down this election year. It shouldn't be too difficult, we've seen this for the past 3 and a half years. Willing to do anything is probably an understatement, perhaps. They will do anything collectively to achieve their goal. After almost everything had been attempted, suddenly a novel virus breaks out that has questionable symptoms similar to many Coronaviruses. Imagine that mainstream media and certain political establishment experts collectively team up to politicize this pandemic to shut down the once thriving economy with the intent of making Trump look bad so he loses the election this year. Now, is this thought difficult to imagine? Imagine that perhaps many numbers are being manipulated to the extent that perhaps there was no need to shut down so many businesses which will perhaps never come back leaving the owners broke. Of course, I am only asking you so far to picture and imagine. Now, picture that in the near future, we were to find out that all I've asked you to imagine was true, and that there was collective fraud, deception, and politicization by the opposing party to achieve the goal of winning an election. Well, if this turned out to be true, can you imagine how angry many of those who lost businesses and livelihoods because of the deception will be? Now, imagine how far those whose lives were destroyed will be willing to go to get even? I hope you can imagine this because, if true, this would be similar conditions to those right before the Civil War in the 19th century United States. Now, imagine what will happen next, and I am only asking you to imagine similarly to Lennon's song.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

What are they really trying to say (with that bumper sticker)?

I recently passed by a car with a bumper sticker that read: "aint no time to hate." Immediately my question was does this person hate, but just has a bumper sticker to make others think they don't? Or, is this person telling me that I hate without even knowing me? Is this person assuming I hate, or that many people hate? The reality is that the slogan is vague. There may actually be some room for hate depending on what, or even who is being hated. For example, some might hate Hitler and this probably should be ok. Some might hate ice cream, which may be mind blowing to many, but I suppose it is still ok.

My final thought is that I am not sure if some bumper stickers are meant to be offensive and judgemental, or whatever, as if they think everyone should read their mind about what it is they intended to say with the vague phrase. If your bumper sticker is meant as an accusation, although you don't know me, my words to you are F**k-off! I am sure I can get a bumper sticker with my rebuttal, but most likely it will be misunderstood, maybe. 

Are they really concerned?

Traditionally some politicians have usually wanted you to believe that your safety is a huge concern for them. Of course, that doesn't mean it is, they just want you to believe it.Traditionally, what they have really wanted was and is your vote. Why? Politics has the best perks, especially if you don't ever get caught.

Bottom line, when I see one of these politicians seem a bit overly concerned for my health and safety, the red flags pop-up immediately. They are most likely a swamp dweller politician.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Interpreting Jesus

The left has an interpretation of Jesus, and so does the right, but who is correct? According to Jesus, probably I will have to revisit this one.

This election is the most important ever!

Basically, politicization is a big thing these days. I know a lot of this China virus thing is being politicized. I know propaganda rhetoric as soon as I hear it. I was born in Cuba and I know. I understand people want their party to win. My problem is that this time around one of the parties has selected a useful idiot that will be controlled by the totalitarian group who will instruct every move he makes. No way in heaven or hell will I accept his presidency! Moreover, I support an immediate challenge if he wins because I will be a thousand percent convinced there was fraud in the election, which was foreseen.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

if new cases do not maintain the previous proportional mortality rate

If the number of cases have been accurate, the mortality rate should increase proportionally within 2 or 3 weeks. If cases do not yield the supposed results, Covid-19 must be downgraded.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Why Roger Stone's Commutation should not be a big deal at all

Roger Stone's sentence was recently commuted by President Trump. He is still guilty of seven felony charges in obstructing Mueller's Russia collusion investigation. which we know what it yielded. He had supposedly also provided information to Wiki Leaks. Roger Stone is a senior citizen, and we are in the middle of a pandemic, but why would I say it's not a big deal?

Thus far in his first term president Trump has only commuted the criminal sentences of about 10 people. Should we compare to the previous administration, Obama's? Let's see! President Obama granted more Commutations than any president in this nation’s history. I believe the total of clemencies was about 1715 at the end. One of those commutations was Chelsea Manning (formerly Bradley Manning). What were Manning's crimes? She was sentenced to 35 years for 19 of 22 specified charges which included theft, 6 counts of espionage, and also shared information with Wiki Leaks.

My conclusion: feel free to fact check me, but I am not posting any references. Just Google it! My point is that we should compare Chelsea Manning with Roger Stone. If Manning was good enough for Obama, I suppose Stone can be good enough for Trump.

How is Black Lives Matter funded?

Watch this short little video by Bill O'Reilly and find out how Black Lives Matter is funded, and how it is allied to Thousand Currents.


Friday, July 10, 2020

Careful with the treatment of history

We should be careful with how we treat history. Regardless of how or why the library in Alexandria, Egypt, eventually was no longer may be the biggest reason we know very little about our antidiluvian history, and many other things. Just a thought!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Two fillms

I've been recommending two fillms a lot lately. One is Moscow on the Hudson with Robin Williams. The second one is this one, The Lost City by Andy Garcia. Anyhow, as things are right now, a scene similar to the one at the beginning in which the brothers, the father, and the uncle meet to discuss their current state of affairs probably would be rare in the United States today. Mainly, because the family unit has already almost completely been destroyed. However, the topic they discussed may need to be addressed soon and decisions must be made, or the decisions will probably be made for us.


Saturday, July 4, 2020

We can't go back to the past, but we most definitely seem to be in the present

Most Americans today are not descendants of the original settlers or slaves. Most and many of us are descendants of many who came, or are from many different countries, from all over the world who came here seeking a better life because the alternatives in the previous homelands were extreme poverty, being oppressed, many other troubles, and/or death. The original settlers and their descendants were not perfect, just like us. I am sure they committed many shameful sins while at the same time created a future of prosperity and opportunities for those of us who came to the United States from elsewhere.

Now, a segment of the population seems to feel they got the bad end of the deal and want payment compensation, and/or retribution. I personally believe they need to dig up the graves of the founding fathers, and take them to court if possible. Maybe they can sue their estates, although many of those founders lost their fortunes because of their loyalty to the creation of this great imperfect nation we all call home. Anyhow, good luck with this foregoing idea. Certainly, most of us, who are descendants of immigrants, and are not guilty of the sins of those who lived in the past do not feel guilty or owe anyone anything, except our loyalty to these United States. Of course, if anyone does feel or is guilty, go right ahead and start paying, you have that freedom, also. What I find incredibly upsetting is that in the last three years leftist media has overlooked this reality I have just discussed attempting to create a different history because of their political agenda. Obviously, many who don't seem to like living in the real world or think they can profit from this media created idea, or alternatively created history will go along with it in selective ignorance regardless of whether it is true or not. So, is this really about money?

If you want money these days, perhaps you should follow the money trail. We hardly ever hear the leftist media talk about the deep state or swamp. The deep state, establishment, or swamp have money. In fact, many got rich using the leverage they have from tax funded offices by making great business deals globally with, or in countries like China. Believe me, their (the swamp) loyalty isn't to the United States. Of course, you won't hear this from some of those leftist mainstream media outlets. Do you wonder why? Is it possible that they have power over that media? Is it possible that these media outlets cover stories that steer most away from reality and into thinking of things that will influence the vote of many by creating false scenarios in their minds, such as what I was discussing at the beginning of this post. I am done here, but I hope you think about what I have said.


Some of those who are big advocates of separation of church and state are often the first to mix religion with politics based on their views of both. Anyhow, recently I told someone I don't need a civics lesson. There are a whole bunch of self-proclaimed progressives out there who seem to also be self-proclaimed intelligent. The worst part are all the assumptions many make without personally knowing me.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Jordan Peterson on Marxist ideology

Hello! I hope everyone is doing well. I am simply sharing a video in this post. It is a brief extract from a lecture by Jordan Peterson on Marxist ideology. All should watch. Enjoy!


Thursday, July 2, 2020


Monuments such as Mount Rushmore have been around for many years and throughout several présidential administrations, obviously the previous one which lasted 8 years was no exception. Do you ever wonder why suddenly out of the blue the current administration is seemingly being made to blame for the possibility that they have been a wrongful presence in our society? It seems to me that it is strange that no one woke up to this idea before until now.

I wish I was wrong about this

I am saddened that many small businesses didn't survive this China virus. I drove by a place earlier that had been in that location for years. Now, it's permanently closed. Sure, it seems like just another business to most, but behind it was a family of human beings just like all of us that now has to figure out a new way to make a living if they can due to a virus that is new, but seems to be very similar to the flu or a bad cold which could kill just like these illnesses do every year. Many questions are on my mind. Did we need to close the economy for so long? Did the president have to do this because of excessive pressure? All of my life, I have not seen so many false narratives and false accusations towards an administration. Places like Sweden didn't close and they seem to be fine. Did Hollywood and the media exaggerate things because of an ulterior agenda such as making the current president, Trump, look bad so that he would lose the election in November? Obviously, the opposing party to the current administration has too much at stake that they are willing to destroy the lives of many Americans to gain political power. If the answer to some of my questions is yes, I believe those who have gone so far and low for their cause belong at the bottom of a cesspool because they are worthless excrement. Integrity and honesty are a virtue that they should aspire to have, but they have many lives to live to gain a spec of it. This was probably done in the name of pseudo-progressivism. My opinion, off with their heads for being so selfish, self-righteous, and self-centered. They should have all been aborted since many of them are advocates of abortion anyhow. I am done for now. Keep America Great!

PS: Love your neighbors as yourself. Your political view does not warrant selfishly destroying the lives of others. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2020


It is believed, perhaps, according to the letter to the Colossians that Onesimus was a slave who fled from Philemon. How will the Epistle to Philemon be removed from the NT in our country? Just a thought.