Friday, May 29, 2020

Do you ever wonder why some unfriend on social media sites seemingly for no reason?

Sometimes I wonder why people unfriend on social media such as Facebook. I rarely unfriend anyone. I do notice when there is one less friend. I don't always post things of a political nature. Politics, however, is often unavoidable in our world. When one comes from a nation that was once thriving economically, but is in now in ruins because of a wrong political ideology, one feels a responsibility to warn others about poisonous ideas that are destructive when one knows firsthand due to experience. One can argue forever about the different factors that may have caused the problem, and say this is another scenario; however, human behavior and personality types rarely change. Human ethical evolution tends to go very slowly. This is evident both from observation and history. Tolerance to different ideas is one of those things that seems to develop over a large span of time passage, sometimes. Based on the foregoing, I would say it is wise to say that perhaps people may often unfriend because of disagreement. I tend to believe to an extent that quite often people that want one to be tolerant to their ideas are the least tolerant of others. At certain levels this can become dangerous. The best example I can give are extreme leftist governments around the world that have used violence against dissent to their ideas. I mention the left because they have the worst record for murder. Mao in China and Stalin in Russia killed way more millions than Hitler, for instance. Castro in Cuba at the very start of his reign of terror killed thousands without proper due process in order to place fear in anyone even considering to challenge him. Moreover, he even killed many of those who assisted in getting him into power. Maintaining power in this type of political system is easy depending on one's ability to understand human behavior, and how far a human will go to promote or challenge an ideology. Obviously, one man alone can't kill millions by himself; however, one can delegate assassination, if one has enough followers who are loyal. My biggest concern is how far will a simple political disagreement escalate over time if at one point one has the power to crush the opposing view in an attempt to abolish the view? Historically, all around the world quite often some have valued political ideas more than family, and have gone as far as murdering family for political views that they eventually discovered were sadly erroneous. Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of why something like simply being unfriended on a social media site raises a red flag of alarm for me.

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