Thursday, April 30, 2020

Slowly they have robbed you blind and you have accepted it and even thanked them with undeserved loyalty

I told you all a while back that his biggest qualification was that he was tall. Nothing new beneath the swamp.

I am pretty sure a very small amount of Americans actually even understood the depth of what I said here. The establishment has penetrated your minds to such an extent that you have grown to accept their misuse of your money (tax dollars), and furthermore their passive aggressive abuse of power. They have filled their pockets with your money and they rub it in your faces showing you how comfortable it is to social distance eating ice cream from their oversized refrigerators. Wake up folks! Comey setup a man (Flynn) with no regard for the service history to his country. Beyond shameful! Comey is the quintessential foot soldier for the swamp. His biggest qualification was size and appearance, but the majority doesn't get it and accepts it in apathy, which is how the swamp has advanced forward slowly with their agenda all these decades.


  1. By the way, the swamp is bipartisan. It's not right vs left,it's right vs wrong, and honesty vs greed.

  2. The main thing I didn't say is that Comey is a son of a bitch.

  3. Also, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being tall. What is wrong is accepting positions over the years because of it, but being in denial and pretending you were qualified for it all along. I should not really have to explain this.
