Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Some traditional leftist strategy and Iowa

A thing about some on the left seemingly being against Bernie is not very credible. The issue is that Bernie is telling people up front that he's a socialist. The problem is that some (establishment) would rather be deceptive and wait until after being elected to show their true colors. Basically, this is the same thing Castro did in Cuba. Most never knew he was Communist until 2 or 3 years later. The revolutionary guys with him in the Sierra Maestra thought it was only about overthrowing Batista...some suspected, anyhow. Obama himself did not do anything extremely radical like executive orders until after his 2nd term. Iowa seems suspicious today.

Hopefully, things will be resolved quickly...very suspicious shenanigans (neglectful?). I suspect Bernie is on top, and they have to make it look like it's Biden, so the political opponent impeachment rhetoric can stick and remain...lol. Not saying it's factual, but I tend to distrust when I know strategies used before. Nothing new under the moon.

1 comment:

  1. These were my thoughts one month ago! My question now is will Obama come out of the closet fully and back Bernie? We soon will see.
