Sunday, November 10, 2019

Hey Sting, next time try to mention all the other millions who also danced alone!

I have enjoyed music by Sting (Gordon Sumner) and his former band. Very entertaining stuff, usually! I believe many artists use their positions to express political views that they believe will gain them more popularity, if they perceive that view is popular. A good example, perhaps, of what I am saying is in Sting's song, They Dance Alone. A line from the song is bold in saying: "Hey Mr. Pinochet
You've sown a bitter crop." Of course, Pinochet was a right wing dictator, and I am not saying there was no truth to the statement. However, my issue is with the fact that one never hears criticism of left wing dictators like the Castro's whom are and were just as guilty of worse atrocities. Mao and Stalin alone murdered millions upon millions (way, way more than Hitler), but very few artists like Sting today, if any, will ever reference this reality. I can assure Sting that many more mothers and wives danced alone under Mao and Stalin than under Pinochet.

Obviously, we know who controls the media, and it is not the right. So, artists that want popularity will play for the kings of their vehicles for expression. I am not really writing this to criticize Sting. These days he might actually share similar political views as mine, for all I know or care, but the generation that is and was influenced by him gets a very unbalanced view of our world. And, if that generation doesn't know the whole truth of our world, or at least research it, we will have a future that is very likely to repeat itself miserably. This fact is even more probable when there is a bias leftist media that claims to be fair and balanced when that couldn't be further from the truth. Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall, and one thing many in the younger generation should know is that wall was there to keep people from getting out, and not the other way around. Trust me, no one wanted to jump over to the communist side, at least anyone with half a brain. I can understand an artist wanting to be popular, so they can share all of their creativity and ideas with the world, but they do a disservice to all when they use selective justice, looking one direction without seeing the other side.


  1. Of course, if The Police reunited and did a tour, I am going.

    Also, that song was not that popular, nor some of his better work. Lol.

  2. If the spot is on the sun and we can observe it, perhaps it's not so little considering how massive the sun actually is.
