Saturday, November 23, 2019


Even if one was to find the theory of everything, it would still be a theory.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Senate Trial Looming

The part of the show we are seeing now is just the opening act. The clowns and the head clown have been very entertaining. The Senate trial will have subpoenas unheard, maybe the Bidens, and the whistleblower. Maybe, president Obama will also appear. The FISA report comes out December 9th. Nothing is hidden, and some things are seen better up close. As Schiff said: "we are better than that." Yes, we certainly are, and he will be in the trial, possibly, just to prove how good we really are. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Media today

In our time, we are star-struck. We want the latest paparazzi photos, and the latest celebrity gossip. We also consume a lot here in America. We want the latest food craze, or the latest craze on anything. We want to be popular, and to have what most don't. Furthermore, we want to be the first having it. Of course, it is highly probable that this is just the perception we have of what we are based on the information we are fed from the media. A media that the more I understand, the more I understand they are more misinformed than informed. When one knows the facts on something, and decides to watch television to catch up on that something, one quickly realizes how misinformed that media is. Of course, there is nothing wrong with watching for entertainment purposes. But, if you believe you are getting fair and balanced information, you could not be further from it.

Propaganda is information that is biased and misleading used to promote and publicize political causes, or points of view. Today's media in the U.S. is mostly controlled by the left. Either directly, or in a subtle way, they are promoting their political ideology. They want you to believe you are what they say you are. The far left infiltrated our country many decades ago. Leon Trotsky even lived in Manhattan for a while prior to the 1917 revolution. Later the same guy was not allowed in our country by FDR, perhaps because of FDR's friendship with Stalin. Anyhow, we know he was killed in Mexico while staying as a guest of Frida Kahlo. That's really not important. What's important is the history of Marxism in the U.S., and how it has slowly penetrated our institutions. Propaganda usually accuses opponents of what, in fact, is their own guilt instead. Basically, this is lying. I believe everyone should be in disbelief of anyone using propaganda. However, this may be what we are getting mostly from media today, sadly.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Watergate strategy?

The Watergate strategy doesn't seem to be working in this Social Media age.

What? Am I making sense?

Monday, November 18, 2019

Deep state, the swamp, you have to be kidding?

Speaking about something based on one's life experience is not a delusion, regardless of how unbelievable and factless it may sound. There really is a darker side that is covered up in our world. Since it is covered up, it is not understood or believed by those who haven't experienced it, and have firsthand knowledge.

Basically, just because you don't know something exists doesn't mean it doesn't. This ties in with my previous post titled: No such thing as a deep state? In fact, since this is my blog, and I say whatever I want, I will repeat it.

Obviously, many seem to believe deep state is a figment of someone's imagination. Hilarious! Of course, it's understandable because they haven't experienced it. Here's one way I can prove it's existence easily. Go and apply for a government employment position, and see if you are easily highered. If the connected person doesn't make a call, you ain't going nowhere. The saying "it's not what you know, it's who you know"is the reality. You may tell me this is true everywhere. And, I tell you not even close to being the same. Of course, don't believe me, go out and find out. Sooner or later, you will know, either as a member or a victim. It's a web with extremely far reaching tentacles.

Of course, perhaps many don't want to believe because the very fact such a thing exists completely destroys and dismantles any political views they may have believed up to this point, and it is extremely difficult to admit and let go an ideology that one has made a life foundation. Moreover, it's the reason for one's loyalty to a political party quite possibly, to say the least. Anyhow, I will stop here and let you ponder on why anyone such as myself would even bother to use time that could be spent on something else to make this known to you if it was not important that you know. Conclusion, just think about it.

Saturday, November 16, 2019


Forgeries have often been tools used by those seeking power, or used as part of a plan for an intended outcome. Nothing new under the moon. Lol.

- Mo (

Friday, November 15, 2019

The loyalty of a politician

An elected politician that accepts compensation directly or indirectly (via other family members) from another government, corporation, business, banks, or institution is loyal to the payer instead of constituents.

How I think Democrats would do better

I don't want to be accused of having Dunning -Kruger Effect. Although, I think many suffer from the condition these days. In fact, the top percentage of those who are actually brilliant don't think they are, and vice versa. And, I actually mean vice versa completely. Now, that I have made that clear, I will make yet another seemingly offensive statement about the current Democratic party.

Personally, I think the Democrats would do better if they actually presented a candidate who could defeat Trump in 2020 the old fashion way via debates and old fashion common sense arguments. Why? I don't think these impeachment hearings and Russian collusion shenanigans are the best method. Also, allowing all these new extremist leftist radicals control is not helping them either. Of course, don't listen to me, I don't know much. "I'm not aware of too many things, I know what I know if you know what I mean. Choke me in the shallow water before I get too deep."


Brandon Aly / Edie Arlisa Brickell / John Bradley Houser / John Walter Bush / Kenneth Neil Withrow

What's the impeachment thing about?

What's the impeachment thing about? It's all about the blue blood establishment being upset over Trump using a different strategy for foreign policy instead of them. According to them, Trump doesn't belong there, and if Hillary would have won they would still be important, and their way would not have changed. The Obama strategy would have remained. I said things were going to go in the opposite direction from day one. Obviously, the permanent government guys can't handle going in the opposite direction and being ignored, so they have to do something about it. Hence: the pseudo impeachment inquiry emerges. The problem is that it is yet another cry for wolf like the Mueller Russian collusion that was out of Mueller's purview. Of course, since none of the candidates on the Democratic side will beat Trump, the desperation has everyone out of control. Bottom line: this is unprecedented in recent American Politics. It may even escalate to violence that is unprecedented, but I cannot go into details of what the Seer has envisioned.

The question is how was it quid pro quo when the funds were released before the call, and Ukraine did not do what was supposedly requested in said call? Someone is playing with taxpayers money, and it's not Trump. Even if Trump wasn't your choice for president, this waste of tax dollars should not be allowed by the people, if it's still a government for the people and by the people. 

No such thing as a deep state?

Obviously, many seem to believe deep state is a figment of someone's imagination. Hilarious! Of course, it's understandable because they haven't experienced it. Here's one way I can prove it's existence easily. Go and apply for a government employment position, and see if you are easily highered. If the connected person doesn't make a call, you ain't going nowhere. The saying "it's not what you know, it's who you know"is the reality.You may tell me this is true everywhere. And, I tell you not even close to being the same. Of course, don't believe me, go out and find out. Sooner or later, you will know, either as a member or a victim. It's a web with extremely far reaching tentacles.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Hey Sting, next time try to mention all the other millions who also danced alone!

I have enjoyed music by Sting (Gordon Sumner) and his former band. Very entertaining stuff, usually! I believe many artists use their positions to express political views that they believe will gain them more popularity, if they perceive that view is popular. A good example, perhaps, of what I am saying is in Sting's song, They Dance Alone. A line from the song is bold in saying: "Hey Mr. Pinochet
You've sown a bitter crop." Of course, Pinochet was a right wing dictator, and I am not saying there was no truth to the statement. However, my issue is with the fact that one never hears criticism of left wing dictators like the Castro's whom are and were just as guilty of worse atrocities. Mao and Stalin alone murdered millions upon millions (way, way more than Hitler), but very few artists like Sting today, if any, will ever reference this reality. I can assure Sting that many more mothers and wives danced alone under Mao and Stalin than under Pinochet.

Obviously, we know who controls the media, and it is not the right. So, artists that want popularity will play for the kings of their vehicles for expression. I am not really writing this to criticize Sting. These days he might actually share similar political views as mine, for all I know or care, but the generation that is and was influenced by him gets a very unbalanced view of our world. And, if that generation doesn't know the whole truth of our world, or at least research it, we will have a future that is very likely to repeat itself miserably. This fact is even more probable when there is a bias leftist media that claims to be fair and balanced when that couldn't be further from the truth. Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall, and one thing many in the younger generation should know is that wall was there to keep people from getting out, and not the other way around. Trust me, no one wanted to jump over to the communist side, at least anyone with half a brain. I can understand an artist wanting to be popular, so they can share all of their creativity and ideas with the world, but they do a disservice to all when they use selective justice, looking one direction without seeing the other side.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The DST people got it wrong and backwards from the start

 The DST people got the whole idea wrong from the start. They really just wanted more light in the evening. Why did they get it wrong? The time change they decided to force on us is backwards according to what they wanted. They decided to switch to Standard Time during the part of the year that it normally gets darker earlier. And then, they switch to DST during the part of the year that there is normally more light later. During and closer to the winter solstice, it will always be dark early. During and closer to the summer solstice, there will always be more light later. We can't change what happens during these two solstices, unless we change hemispheres or planet of residency.

I would be willing to compromise with them if we switched the clock to Standard Time in March instead of DST, and in November switch to DST. Otherwise, I don't ever want to be on DST or ever change the clock. Abolish DST! Standard Time, normal time forever!

Friday, November 8, 2019

Abolish DST!

I don't want anymore clock changing. I prefer more light in the morning when I need to wake up instead of the evening when I need to wind down and fall asleep. Melatonin production in the evening is natural and healthy. Moreover, it's the way humans have done it since we started. If people want a longer day, they can wake up earlier and go to bed later.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Discrimination Hypocrisy (Selective Justice)

There are so many ways in which people discriminate and hate. We know that "Federal law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, gender, pregnancy, national origin (including affiliation with a Native American tribe), religion, disability, citizenship status, genetic information, and age (if the person is at least 40 years old) (" However, most times people discriminate against height, appearance, being too honest, and things for which there are no federal laws. Yes, many people are hypocritical ass***es, and think they are good because they don't discriminate on an illegal basis; however, either way that it is done is morally wrong. Jesus said it best: "love your neighbor as yourself." Be fair and just with all human beings! Some will defend LGBT rights, but discriminate another category or vice-versa. Let's really treat all equally. Equality for all! I said that because there are groups out there that speak up for the rights of some, but ignore others. That is what should be called selective justice. In the state of Florida one's boss can decide not to promote you just because he or she doesn't like how one looks (appearance discrimination).The fact is that these other things I mentioned like height, and so on are most often the case for discrimination, and not all the illegal categories. A friend often says that Hollywood is big on discrimination of appearance. Most movie stars are attractive, do obviously Hollywood discriminates against ugly people. I will stop here.


Rewrite the Constitution?

I don't think many Americans are aware that the constitution can be rewritten if two thirds of the states decide (38 out of 50). A constitutional convention is actually constitutional. Will it happen? Maybe! Of course, I already envision the fragmentation of the entire country when it happens.

Article Five of the United States Constitution describes the process....

Nauseating media

Are these people running media companies aware that some of us are repelled by their headlines? This is specially true for many of us that grew up in communist countries. Yeah, they have been in our institutions for many decades, but lately they are completely threatened and have gotten out of control. We know the rhetoric and the propaganda, and it's nauseating to us. If I ever accept a coup, it better be a right wing one. Disgusting!

I know you might say I have lived here for most of my life, but trust me the damage is done every time one thinks about the reason one became an exile.

Socialist types?

Personally, I think there are 2 types of socialist. One is delusional and naive, and thinks they will help everyone by giving them free stuff. The problem is that free stuff doesn't really exist, someone always pays. The other type of socialist isn't delusional because they know that the free stuff will have to be stolen from someone else. The problem with the second type is that they are not generous, they make sure they get more for themselves after stealing. Of course, this is an extremely simplified version of reality.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Success stories?

There are several ways to get promotions in government. The following list shows some examples.

1. Ass kissing and Brown nosing.

2. Nepotism and cronyism.

3. Earning it.

Of course, number 3 is usually the least probable, and 2 and 1 are very typical. Based on the foregoing, if a person is a huge success story, one should already know why. Moreover, don't trust permanent government (establishment, deep swamp or state, but really it's the deep sewer). Their tentacles are far reaching, and they seem like the friendliest people you ever meet. Similar personality types  exist in the private sector, but not as common because most people are there to get the job done and aren't playing with someone else's money.