Monday, October 14, 2019

Cyclical Climate Change

Climate change is not a hoax! A hoax is a humorous or malicious deception. An example of a hoax was Adam Schiff's bs parody on Trumps ukranian phone call. Climate change is cyclical and happens.

There are several factors that cause global warming and cooling. The sun has an 11 year cycle which contributes towards it. Climate change is definitely cyclical. We have ice core samples from Antarctica and Greenland which date back 800 thousand years that show evidence of temperatures, and carbon dioxide levels being cyclical...etc. More recently, we had the Medieval Warm Period which lasted from 900 AD to about 1300 AD, in which we had temperatures hotter than today without our emissions or high global population. Since 1880 we've had a 1.4 farenheit average increase in temperatures, and about two thirds of the change has been since 1975. We should try to reduce emissions and come up with better fuel alternatives. However, to say we caused climate change does not coincide with 800 thousand years of data. Someone's political election aspirations could, however, be an inspiration for them to say otherwise. I assume everyone is intelligent enough to understand why politicization exists. Climate change isn't a hoax, but the version of climate change which says we caused it, that's a hoax.

1 comment:

  1. This is a relevant video.
