Saturday, October 26, 2019


Blinded by the light? Maybe! But then again, supposedly he was born to run. Perhaps, little early-pearly will go by in his curly-wurly, and ask if he needs a ride.

I have much mistrust for celebrities. I always think they do and say things either to be popular or remain popular weighing out the market's potential. Sometimes they, or their managers, miscalculate. We shall see!

Free speech is a very American right. Our constitution grants it. However, labeling another American as unamerican is a devisive attack. Why? In 2016 many Americans decided this is the person they wanted as president, regardless of how many tactics have been used or will be used to try to discredit that election's results, and regardless of how much many with a different political ideology dislike the person.

Certainly, the media was never on Trump's side. The media was bias from the start. Over 240 newspapers backed Hillary Clinton. Trump didn't even have a 5% media support, and still won. Makes one wonder if the media has much credibility these days. Does anyone really understand why the election had those results?

Perhaps, the election was a result of many believing we were at some crucial juncture relevant to that idea of America. What if we really were heading in a direction in which China would easily buy us sooner if we didn't turn policy around. Well, that's one maybe in which many economists have seen that possibility whether they like Trump or not. Moreover, if that would happen, sooner or later some of those rights like free speech would diminish or cease to exist. In fact, the man who was born to run would eventually start protesting and the government guys would shut him up quickly. We all want a better world, but we should learn from history and be careful as to how we go about it. Cuba in the 50s had a pretty good economy. The peso was even worth 2 cents over the American dollar at one point, but Castro had media support like the New York Times and he became popular. Guess what? Cuba is a third world country 60 years later. Of course, people like Bernie will tell you they like the Scandinavian type of socialism. You know, make socialism white again. The sad news is that if China owns you, Scandinavian isn't the type of socialism you will get. Anyhow, make the analysis of what I am saying. I am an exile, and perhaps I was born to run because this world prefers to give away their rights, which  many didn't earn, under a false assumption. 

Friday, October 25, 2019


If you really want to understand what it means to escape, defect (abandon homeland), and become an exile, I highly recommend watching an old Robin Williams movie titled: Moscow on the Hudson. To a close friend, it meant not seeing his son for three years, and never seeing his father again. Hopefully, this gives you a glimpse into why we hate the international left so much.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

On white males

I don't think white males made the choice for themselves to be what they are, just like none of us determined where we would be born, and how we would look. Can we come up with better counterarguments when we don't agree with someone's political ideas?

Do you really understand political corruption?

This one got out of international business to serve the American public. Others have gotten into public service to find opportunities for getting into international business. If you don't know which version is correct, you might need to reevaluate your understanding of political corruption.

Monday, October 21, 2019


This impeachment inquiry seems to be weak. The idea behind not voting is obviously to try to build up Republican support 13 months before an election. Removing Trump is seemingly the only way Democrats can win the 2020 election. The whole thing looks like a Watergate parody going wrong because I don’t see Republicans abandoning Trump any time soon. That’s all for now on the subject.

Out of Syria

I don't even trust my Google searches anymore. Definitely, not my algorithms! You'd think several battalions are being pulled out of Syria. The fact is it's not many, if you research. They really were supposed to be there one month, and it has already been 10 years. Kurds, Turks, and Syrians have been at war centuries before we arrived. Moreover, if we get tribal it's even much longer. This is one of the obvious many reasons the media has shot itself in the foot by being partisan based on Trump hatred. We get it, you hate the guy and everything possible has to be done to help not getting him reelected. Lol. Impeachment

From my perspective, what has happened in Syria is tragic, but sometimes all one can do is observe human behavior and reflect.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Columbus Day

Happy Columbus Day to all! By the way, it says it on my calendar. Archaeologically speaking, it's no longer really Clovis first. Humans have been in North America for almost 130, 000 years thus far, so there may have been many other natives even before later ones. Just saying! Happy Indigenous Peoples Day also, although where I come from Taino's are almost completely extinct. As the world turns, some history can be rewritten, but some can't be.

Cyclical Climate Change

Climate change is not a hoax! A hoax is a humorous or malicious deception. An example of a hoax was Adam Schiff's bs parody on Trumps ukranian phone call. Climate change is cyclical and happens.

There are several factors that cause global warming and cooling. The sun has an 11 year cycle which contributes towards it. Climate change is definitely cyclical. We have ice core samples from Antarctica and Greenland which date back 800 thousand years that show evidence of temperatures, and carbon dioxide levels being cyclical...etc. More recently, we had the Medieval Warm Period which lasted from 900 AD to about 1300 AD, in which we had temperatures hotter than today without our emissions or high global population. Since 1880 we've had a 1.4 farenheit average increase in temperatures, and about two thirds of the change has been since 1975. We should try to reduce emissions and come up with better fuel alternatives. However, to say we caused climate change does not coincide with 800 thousand years of data. Someone's political election aspirations could, however, be an inspiration for them to say otherwise. I assume everyone is intelligent enough to understand why politicization exists. Climate change isn't a hoax, but the version of climate change which says we caused it, that's a hoax.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Logic Behind a Wall

This a video I shared on YouTube recently.

Observance of Hypocrisy

Here is where I see much hypocrisy in our world. The ones who want an ethical evolution are often the most unethical. The ones who want tolerance are often the most intolerant. The ones who want equality for all, want it for all except for themselves because they love decadence, excess, and overindulgence. The ones who want everyone to give often give less even if they have more to give (Mother Teresa they aren’t because they won't get near death, disease, and contamination....). I rest my arguments here.  

Is the Moon Hollow?

It's true that we hardly ever hear anyone question or mention why the moon's craters are all mostly the same depth, although two scientist wrote a paper about it. What lies beneath? I assume everyone knows that NASA tested it twice, the first time accidentally, and the moon rang like a bell. Is it hollow?

This Biden Ethics Thing

The question/s is/are/was do you think Hunter was sought out by any board because of his amazing business talents? The point made by Schweizer is that the parents or relatives can't do this type of thing directly because they are established politicians (hence: establishment, hence: swamp). There are ethics rules. Of course, those rules are made by those who will circumvent. So, use the kids. The kids get the gifts and they trickle down to the parents indirectly.

Public servants that get rich from public administration is widespread. That's corruption. Wealth made in the private sector isn't corrupt, it's free enterprise. It has been going on for decades. Do you actually believe Hunter Biden got the Ukrainian position because he was a master mind business man? No! That was a favor owed. Nepotism,'s how it works. It's that simple folks. Government officials are voted in to be public servants, not to accumulate wealth administering tax payers money. That's your deep state...simple as that.

Money making in politics is probably the best bipartisan effort The problem is that these people are loyal to those whom they sold themselves to instead of those who elected them.

You can think anything about Trump, and you may be right about many of those things, but he doesn't come from politics and many who voted for him are aware of the problem which needs to be corrected (metaphorically: draining the swamp). If the externally and globally indebted politicians are not exposed one by one, the future of this idea called the United States will be determined by other nations or persons that made investments.


I have heard some lately complain about protesters. They say that they have been mocked and spit on by them. My thoughts on it, I assume people treat fellow humans the way they want to be treated; therefore, simply return the favors and stop complaining. Eye for an eye might be a bit primitive, but it might enlighten the bullies very quickly. Just a suggestion!


Lately many say they have the right. They claim that they have this right or that right. I wonder if they earned the right because even the right to say it was granted to them by another's sacrifice. People are claiming rights that aren't even a right. What did any of them do to earn the rights they claim because currently any rights we might have were earned by someone else. Moreover, Americans claim being "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” But someone else many years ago made that claim and wrote it down. No one alive today sat down and wrote this or paid the high price of making the claim. Consequently, if you assume you have rights, you can thank someone else for coming up with the idea, and the many who died defending the maintenance and protection of the borders and sovereignty of these ideas. This is just the introduction to the debate. What do you think should be the first question?

Radical Ideas

“Have you ever thought that radical ideas threaten institutions, then become institutions, and in turn reject radical ideas which threaten institutions?”
— Saul Bass

All ideas are initially thoughts. My thought on this quote by Saul Bass is that radical ideas threaten institutions and become institutions threatened by radical ideas. With relevance to this idea called the United States, the idea might have an end at some point in time, and I don't know if the new idea peoples will understand their huge loss. Moreover, anyone that allows such a great idea as this to go to waste obviously and sadly isn't a brilliant thinker.

First Post Here!

I hope everyone who reads anything I post now or in the future is doing well. This is my first post ever on here. This is my third blog ever created. My first blog ever Arango’s Apologetics Page was created almost 11 years ago. My second blog Unifying the Faith was created in June of 2013. Today is the first day something will be posted on here. In fact, it will be this. My two previous blogs have been focused on Theology. This blog, however, will be just about anything. The topics may range from a subjective view to an objective. I might discuss history, science, politics, news, music, and, or any thought I may simply have on anything. This is my first post, so I will keep it short. Hope you decide to follow along!