Thursday, July 25, 2024

Right vs Left and Vice-versa

It's interesting to hear many people today who seem to automatically know which side of the political spectrum they are on when questioned. They know they are on the left or the right, exclusively. My problem with this is that we don't really know who decides, decided, or is deciding where center is.... Even if it's something a few previously agreed upon, it doesn't mean they were 100% correct by any standard.

I've heard some call themselves right wing which I consider to be on the left. Also, on the other hand I've heard some say they're left leaning, whom I think lean more to the right. Sometimes it's very hard to tell. 

My closing for this is that whoever decided or is deciding where the center is seems to have sh*t for brains. So, don't automatically decide when it comes to these matters because most human beings are actually very similar; however, it is immensely convenient and beneficial for some (media, political parties, etc.) to keep most people separated and segregated.

I will stop here, but there's plenty more to be said about this subject. I've posted with relevance to this previously.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

I have compassion for a twenty-year old

I have compassion for a 20 year old and a family, who have perhaps believed the lie.  They are the victims who believed and have believed the agenda that has been propogated and promoted for more than a 100 years, perhaps over 150 years, in this country. Sadly, it's too late for one 20 year old.

When one hears the same  story over and over from teachers,  professors, parents, social media sites that dont allow free speech,  mainstream media, elites,  and so on, one accepts it as truth. Sometimes there's very little opposing voice heard because the liars control information. This is specially true when those opposing voices have in the past also been corrupt for many years. I have a great deal of compassion for a 20 year old who was unaware, and believed a lie. We must have compassion.

I now do, however, have some major passive aggressive anger, which will be manifesting sooner than later. Hopefully, very soon.

Regardless, all the liars have blood on their hands. We who are grown are all responsible. Responsible for educating and bringing up children. This should be the number one priority.

Train children in the right way,
    and when old, they will not stray.

- Proverbs 22:6, NRSV

Down with the tyrant, and drain the swamp!

Friday, July 5, 2024

Court packing

Supreme Court packing isn't a new thing. Back in 1936, FDR was already attempting to do it as judicial reform, along with all his other Soviet style ideas and reforms. It seems that perhaps all those conspiracy theories about him may have been very true. After all, he didn't allow Trotsky to defect, and maybe the whole other Stalin thing was also true, as well.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Appearances are deceptive?

Contrary to popular belief, appearances are not deceptive. A criminal (such as a murder) usually looks as such. Cesare Lombroso who was founder of the school of positivist criminology would have agreed 100%.