Thursday, June 27, 2024

Can CNN leak debate questions?

Remember when Donna Brazile was totally not sorry for leaking CNN debate questions to Hillary Clinton? What makes you all think they didn't already leak questions to Biden for tonight? Please! I wasn't born yesterday. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Bottomline: Trump will really be debating CNN more than Joe Biden

The truth of the matter is that tomorrow night Trump has to debate the CNN guys more than Joe Biden. Remember 2020 when he also had to debate Chris Wallace simultaneously? Not that Chris Wallace was much of anything. He may call himself a journalist, but he ain't and will never be his father. When Mike Wallace walked into a building, if you were up to no good you'd probably be running out of that building via the back door as soon as you heard. I am done with this post. How often do you get the last line and results in the title?

Saturday, June 22, 2024

People and comfort zones

The only people willing to lay up their corpses in defense of their rights are usually ones who already have no rights at all. People who are comfortable hardly ever get out of their comfort zones. So, if you believe or think there will be a huge revolution if things don't go the way people want, you are dreaming.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Laptop disinformation?

The Hunter Biden laptop was never Russian disinformation. However, no one is seemingly accountable for spreading the lie. I do suspect that it was indeed disinformation, but a different type.

Most likely it was Hunter Biden's personally fabricated disinformation which he documented meticulously, just in case he needed the excuse that he was simply an addict, in case he ever got caught for a much bigger crime. He planted all the paraphernalia himself to leave a trail of evidence for others to testify in support. He did the videos and pics of himself using to document the habit. Yes, the trail of evidence is there for all to see including witness testimonies. Many usually have sympathy and compassion for the victim. Consequently, if my theory is correct, Hunter has made the case for his desired outcome. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Election possibilities

Many seem to be very optimistic that Trump will win in the November elections. This is a possibility; however, many of the problems that took place in 2020 were never fixed.  Consequently, the same issues may resurface. He may actually win again for a third time, but the results could be announced oppositely. Moreover, Trump may still be locked in prison from his July 11th sentencing during the election. Will anyone do anything if this happens? I highly doubt it because people often talk more and act less. The last possible scenario is that Trump will win overwhelmingly in November.

Finally, expect anything. Be prepared for everything. Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.