Monday, June 26, 2023

On the anchorman

Do the anchors on major news networks get paid millions of dollars to tell lies for the swamp? That's very likely, but people still keep on believing them and thinking they are informed. Of course, most of those same anchors don't even write the stuff, they just read it well. They sound convincing, as in a dramatic acting roll. Yes, they sound credible, and they probably even believe whatever it is they're reading on that teleprompter, as well. That's the way it is, as Walter Cronkite would say at sign-off. The anchorman these days doesn't get as much ratings, but some still watch.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Government and abuse of power

If the government wants they can take everything away from you using the law. Most people don't understand the level of corruption we have. A thug pointing a gun at your head asking for your wallet can probably be more compassionate. They can be good cop and thief at the same time. Drain the swamp!

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Is it elections fraud?

What are some possible ways to have elections fraud in the US of A? If they register many people who aren't even citizens, it's possible. Have those people do mail-in ballots with no required voter identification. Moreover, no ID required walk-in voting would also work without mail-in ballots. If they count all these ballots together with legal ones, it would seem that they have committed voter fraud.

Only one hour?

One can say it's only one hour, but an alert driver can avoid a crash. An hour of less sleep is still sleep deprivation. Do we have more accidents during almost eight months of DST? I don't know if a full study has been done; however, the entire United States Senate voted unanimously and bipartisan to make DST permanent. Did they really research this decision?

Monday, June 19, 2023

On aliens and extraterrestrials

I am pretty sure I believe in aliens and extraterrestrials, but I am also pretty sure I don't believe in the same ones the government would believe in.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


The presidential records act (PRA) does not protect Biden (prior to his current presidency) or Hillary, understand? Trump, yes, and he also didn't destroy any evidence, similar to Nixon or Hillary. The Biden DOJ is wasting taxpayer money as usual. Moreover, this is a civil case, and not criminal. They just want you to believe it's criminal.

Is it true?

People who don't have all the facts or the full story will very often believe a narrative that isn't  true. Disinformed and misinformed!

Thursday, June 8, 2023

On Susan Eckstein

If Susan Eckstein wasn't paid by the communist regime, I would love to ask her what type of privilege it is that the Cubans have in every other country in the world where they have also become exiles and how it is she explains their success in them? 

In the grand scheme

Man is like unto a breath; His days are as a shadow that passeth away.

- Psalm 144:4, JPS Tanakh 1917

On hubris

Pride goeth before destruction,

And a haughty spirit before a fall.

-- Proverbs 16:18, JPS Tanakh 1917