Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Cubans in the United States

What many people and Hispanics from other parts of Latrine America don't know or understand is that if they would have been the first to come to South Florida instead of Cubans, it would be a completely different place now, and they wouldn't have even had the economic opportunities they now enjoy regardless of how good or bad they may have it. Whether anyone accepts this for a fact, or not, doesn't matter. Most of us who are Cuban know that most of them don't have what it took or takes to have challenged the status quo of the Americans which existed here at the time we came, unless one had our previous status. A status which some have been slowly attempting to erase using a dishonest agenda for decades. If you don't believe this, I suggest you research the history of other Hispanics in different parts of the United States, and compare what they have been able to achieve in one, two, or three generations.

Monday, February 20, 2023

The Pact of Zanjón?

Spain promised to reform the island’s political and economic system in the Pact of Zanjón (1878), which ended the war. However, the nationalist leader Antonio Maceo and several others refused to accept the Spanish conditions. In August 1879 Calixto García started a second uprising, called La Guerra Chiquita (“The Little War”), which Spanish forces put down the following year.

The political and economic crisis grew more severe. The Spanish government failed to carry out most of the promised reforms, although it allowed Cubans to send representatives to the Cortes (parliament)(britannica.com).”

The Pact of Zanjón took place ALMOST exactly 20 years before the explosion of the battleship USS Maine in Havana. The Spanish-American War began soon after the explosion. In 1976 we discovered the explosion of the Maine was caused by an accidental fire inside it, and not by Spain. We can't change history! What happened, happened! In retrospect, when one tries to gather and research all relevant data, it seems as if it was mostly an opportunistic thing for the United States to go to war, for multiple reasons. As usual, the popular opinion narrative was already in advance created by media. If you don’t believe, the person of William Randolph Hearst alone was and is more than enough evidence to justify the fact. When it comes to these types of narratives, there is really nothing new under the sun. The war in Ukraine is a perfect recent example. I would even add the Normandy invasion seems like another example of this type of opportunism since the Russians had already previously weakened the Nazis in the Battle of Stalingrad. We don’t seem to hear much about this, for some reason. It is really a whole other subject for another time, which will require extensive research. This is also why I use the word "seems" when referencing. I consider myself more pro-American than many, but many parts of history are often questionable, and should be questioned.

Not to get sidetracked, the Pact of Zanjón is one of those events in history we don’t hear much about. It’s not that somehow some wish to cover it up, but it was evidence that the war between the Cubans and Spain had been dwindling for a while, but perhaps not in a way that was economically beneficial for the United States, seemingly. Seemingly, we will stop here!







Saturday, February 18, 2023

My two cents on money....

Something people are extremely ignorant about with relevance to socialist/communist governments is that they will change your currency and make your old money worthless whenever they feel. Equality for all, except the leaders. Do you ever wonder about the digital dollar and the promoted cashless society? Well, you should if you haven't. You can be rich one day, and poor the next whenever they decide. Read again, if needed.

Friday, February 3, 2023


The CPP would not and does not want Russia and the United States to ever be allies. Of course, no media source will never touch this with a ten foot pole; consequently, it never crosses most people's mind since most ideas people have, anyhow, are a consequence of media guiding their thoughts. Basically, if this sounds like a joke to you, it's probably not because you are brilliant. It's because they are probably doing a good job brainwashing you. However, with Biden at the supposed helm, the CPP has no worries, but if it becomes Trump, they have a huge problem.

In conclusion,  don't doubt for a moment that many people think this post is about the CPP. If anything, it's slightly about their mechanisms and tactics, which now seem to be adopted by many other governments. Of course, media might ask where's the proof or evidence for this statement? Very little news comes from primary sources these days. I liked to know and have the proof on much of what they say. Please, feel free to read this again and again.