Friday, May 27, 2022

Spectators vs. participants

The world is usually much easier for the observer than for the one participating.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

That wall was just way too expensive!

I cannot seriously understand what was the big deal about paying $25 billion for a southern border wall, when we can give away $40 billion to protect the border of another country, and it doesn't even include a permanent wall. Unless, there is something fishy going on with that money and somehow much of it ends up in the pockets of the swamp. Of course, all the brilliant people out there probably think this is a stupid assumption. You know all those people who think of themselves as being highly intelligent.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Constitutional isn't Fascism

I don't know if that Supreme Court leak was Wag the Dog stuff, but if it wasn't, it was probably a treasonous act by the "leaker." I am a skeptical person sometimes. The leak itself, to me, is probably a bigger concern then whether Roe v. Wade is overturned, or abortion rights go to the states. Of course, if you haven't seen Wag the Dog, which came out in 1997, I highly recommend it. Some things in the film may remind of the narrative being presented for the past couple of years with Covid-19.

Anyhow, if Pocahontas wasn't drama-queening yesterday, she might want to go get a beer before she has a heart attack. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We don't know yet, what the Supreme Court will be doing. We're also not sinking into fascism, as Joy Behar would probably say. The Supreme Court Justices are placed there by elected presidents, that's our constitutional process at work. If the presidents we get are left leaning, they will likely appoint left leaning Justices, who must be approved by elected Senators. This process of appointing new Justices often takes decades, but I'm sure we would have very liberal outcomes from the Supreme Court, if most of the Justices were liberal.

To close, I want to continue living in a country (The United States) where ideas are heard from all sides with no censorship. Where Joy Behar and Marjorie Taylor Greene can say what they want. Although, at this time Behar has an upper hand being on Television. Censorship of ideas is what happens in a dictatorship, and not what Behar calls fascism, when it is simply our Constitutional process taking place. Oh, my apologies to Pocahontas, I meant Rep. Elizabeth Warren, but that was a tad overboard anticipation.