Thursday, July 29, 2021

If you don't believe

If you don't believe there is an establishment swamp, your compass needs major calibration. You are basically totally and completely unaware of a huge reality which interferes with and henders your entire present and future.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Who left at first?

One of the false narratives I have heard often with relevance to the Cuban diaspora is that mainly the elite wealthy first left the island. The reality was that many of the wealthiest initially participated in funding the Castro's. Eventually, all businesses were seized and very little choice remained. Who left at first? The smartest and wisest departed at first. However, that was only the beginning of a very long story.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Delta Variant???

A variant is simply a different version or a variation of something. Recently in the news, we hear a lot of talk about the Delta Variant which is basically a mutation of Covid-19 that has appeared in India. Stop and think for a moment? We know that coronaviruses such as Covid-19 are wily viruses that mutate. Moreover, we've already had many, if not thousands, of mutations of Covid-19. The so called Delta Variant has most like already mutated many times itself. My question to all is the following: is it possible that some are trying to politicize Covid-19 again by using a new name for one of its many mutations? I will let you think about it and decide. Personally, I don't have to think about it too much. TTYL!

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Which direction will you look?

This Cuba thing doesn't fit the narrative they've been trying to sell. If you understand Spanish, you know they're not shouting about the embargo, as they've wanted many to believe. No, they are saying the opposite of what the failed Castro revolution said. They are saying "fatherland and life" instead of "fatherland or death." They are shouting in unison, saying things like "Diaz-Canel f*ck*r." AOC suddenly was seemingly instructed by the regime to mention the embargo." They are shouting that they want freedom from the 62 year oppressive condition they've lived in because of that same regime.

Will Pope Francis look the other way as he did the last time he visited Cuba? Will the United States and the rest of the Globalist Community also look away while many continue to be killed and dissappear in Cuba? They have a dilemma because what is going in Cuba doesn't fit their narrative, and completely destroys their ideologies and philosophy. I pray this uprising wakens many who didn't know the truth. It's difficult to realize and admit one is and has been wrong always. They have to come to grips with this fact, and many would rather die. The problem is that in Cuba the victims already decided they will no longer allow the thugs who have ruled over them for 62 years to continue to do so, and they would rather die no longer being silent. The question I ask everyone is whose side are you on? Will you also look the other way?

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Who will be the new scapegoat? Who can guess?

In case some haven't noticed over decades, the swamp usually requires a scapegoat to cover for the business as usual of the rest. Who's turn is it at this time? One would automatically guess Sleepy Joe right now, but that would seem too easy to guess. We've had the media purging him from the beginning, and during the election all other candidates dropped-out, and said he's the one. Yes, Sleepy's job may eventually be to purge the crooked activity of many others, so all focus may indeed remain on him and his family, perhaps. When the swamp picks someone for this purpose it's usually because the chosen one has been extra overly ambitious, and the outcome is eventually beyond credible; however, the mainstream guys (who are bought and paid for) haven't seemingly been given the authorization to destroy Sleepy just yet. But, if we are really going to believe Sleepy Joe will be the scapegoat, it seems as if it's too soon to predict. However, it also seems very likely that he's the candidate, just as he suddenly became the candidate during the election.

My opinion, however, is that somehow Sleepy will be the one, and all the support from others and the media will instantly disappear, and he will be exposed to pay for the sins of all the other worse sinners. As it is, there are rumors already about Hunter's laptop being extremely more incriminating than previously believed. Hints are being dropped! How much more time does Sleepy have? Who knows? But, at the moment I don't see another one who can be sacrificed. To conclude, let's watch and see, I could be wrong, but something has smelled fishy since the cards were handed out at Bush senior's funeral. For now, the clock is ticking. 

Saturday, July 3, 2021

The 2020 enlightenment

One of most enlightening parts of the year 2020 was that now we know where the higher geographical concentrations of corruption are in these United States. Of course, some of the concentrations are not in any geographical location, but instead in cyberspace violating out First Amendment rights.